After many years as a contractor building homes in Virginia and North Carolina, I had the opportunity to move to the beautiful Emerald Coast in 2018. Knowing the industry from the builder side, it was time to learn about it from the real estate agent side. This has been a wonderful journey and gives me the opportunity to show that I will go the extra mile for you. Problem solving is an important part of a successful real estate transaction. There are so many moving parts and my goal is to have you think it’s easy. If you are looking for a new build or a dream renovation project to purchase, these are areas where you can really count on my advice and place your trust in me. We may have some hobbies in common, too. Offshore fishing, mountain biking and snow skiing are a couple of ways I stay active. I have been spotted chasing a little white ball around a course as well. Let’s do something together and live your real estate dream.